Your Skilled Cosmetic Dentist in Fairfield, CA

Cosmetic Dentistry in Fairfield, CA

As the saying goes, you are never fully dressed without a smile, and we at Solano Dental Group aspire to outfit you with teeth that make you feel complete. We offer cosmetic enhancements that keep the health of your smile the top priority.

Dr. Frank J. Chen and Dr. Judy Su listen to the hopes and concerns of their patients, so they can provide them with appropriate ideas for improved aesthetics to their smile. Solano Dental serves the communities of Fairfield, Vallejo, and Vacaville with kindness and expertise.

Invisalign® for Straighter Smiles

For some patients, crooked teeth may be affecting their self-confidence, and Solano Dental Group provides Invisalign® clear aligners for aesthetic and convenient treatment. These clear trays allow the beauty of your smile to shine through during the entire treatment process, and they can be removed for eating and special occasions. Another attribute of Invisalign is the fewer dental visits you will need to make, and the shorter time required for each appointment. Patients are supplied with several trays at each visit that they replace every two weeks. The dentist does not need to adjust wires or brackets, so appointment times are shortened.

Luster Restored with Opalescence®

Sometimes a brighter smile is the goal of patients, and Solano Dental Group offers Opalescence teeth whitening. This gel can brighten smiles by several shades, and it is designed to cause minimal sensitivity to teeth. Drs. Chen and Su make customized trays from molds taken of your teeth. Opalescence allows you to control how much whitening to apply and how often you wish to treat teeth in the convenience of your home.

Beautiful Enhancements to Teeth

Solano Dental Group can enhance smiles with these minimally invasive techniques:

  • Bonding with a composite resin can be applied to teeth to cover chips, cracks and discoloration. The resin blends seamlessly with the tooth to give a beautiful enhancement.
  • Composite fillings are also made of tooth-colored resin, and they provide discreet treatment for cavities. Many choose to replace silver fillings with these to improve the aesthetic of their smile.
  • Veneers can dramatically improve smiles because they can change the shape, color, and size of teeth. Veneers can also provide a straighter appearance to teeth. These are made of thin, porcelain shells that are cemented onto teeth.
  • Porcelain Inlays and Onlays are also called Partial Crowns, and they repair large cavities using lustrous porcelain with minimal alterations made to the tooth structure.
  • Porcelain Crowns are a durable and beautiful way to protect the tooth by capping it with a natural-looking restoration.

Restore Smiles after Tooth Loss

Solano Dental Group also specializes in beautiful denture and dental implant restorations for those experiencing tooth loss. Many people with missing teeth feel hopeless and too self-conscious to seek help, but our dental professionals make sure you feel at ease and comfortable. It is one of our greatest pleasures to see lives changed when people have restored confidence in their smiles.

Solano Dental Group in Fairfield for Brighter Smiles

Give the Solano Dental Group a call, so we can consult with you on the variety of ways your smile can be enhanced. We are located in Fairfield, and Dr. Frank J. Chen and Dr. Judy Su also serve the communities of Vallejo and Vacaville.